Tuesday, July 22, 2008

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!


At long last (or so it seemed to me ;) )Miss Ginny is now here!!! I started having really hard contractions Saturday night and then of course they stopped... Then Sunday morning (7/13) about 9:00, they started again, really strong and anywhere from 3-5 minutes apart. So we called PaPa Gilligan to come and stay with Ben & Emma. We called the Dr. around 10am and then my Mom ~So she could meet us at the hospital and away we went.

We got there about 10:50am and got into my room. Of course my contractions though still hard were still not very regular~So the nurse called the Dr. and told her the situation. The Dr. wanted her to start me on pitocin, but the nurse was my AWESOME advocate and asked if she would come in and break my water (since I wanted to have the baby naturally). So the Dr. came at about 12:30 to break my water and Ginny was here at 2:31PM~The Dr. barely made it into the room for the delivery ;) (Ginny was here literally 2 minutes after the Dr. walked in~ The nurse showed Chris on the monitor afterwards.)

The Dr. asked Chris to come over and announce if it was a boy or girl and when he said girl I was ECSTATIC!! Though I was a little surprised ;) She was so bright eyed and alert, it was amazing!!

Here are some pics from the hospital:


Lesli said...

Welcome baby Ginny! I am so happy for all of you!!!

Amy said...

She is beautiful! Congrats on your new addition!

Shannon said...

Katie-Congratulations to you and your family as you welcome this new bundle of joy! I am so happy for you all!

Narci D said...

What a doll!

JKMN said...

What a sweetheart! Congratulations! Hey - and I miss seeing you girl - we need to get together!

heidijudy said...

Congratulations! She's beautiful. And you're amazing, going natural! Can't wait to see you guys.

Dreams and Designs said...

Congrats!! She is beautiful and that is a beautiful name!!! Hope you are doing well with the newborn!