Saturday, April 19, 2008

Allen Train Station

Yesterday, we went to the Allen Train Station to see their miniature train displays. The kids were totally enthralled!! Ben LOVED looking at all of the trains and asking questions to the guides that were there. He loved seeing how the tracks were set up and if the trains could move on different parts of the track. He even got to help put the caboose back on the big train. Emma loved looking at the trains and they also had little doll houses that she thought were SO cute! She also got a big kick out of ringing the GIANT bell there!!
Ben told the man that was helping us that he wanted to work there when he grew up. The man said well it's not really a job, it's a club you can join and he gave Ben an application to fill out when he's "older" to join the train club. I think we may have a future engineer on our hands!!
What a GREAT time we had!!


OHmommy said...

Awwwww... look how much fun they had!

Narci D said...

That WAS fun!

Didi said...

Wow...neat outing!