Monday, November 3, 2008


WOW, I can't believe my first-born is already 6 years old~time sure does fly by!! Benny is such a smart, sweet boy!! Here are 6 special things about Mr. Ben:
1. He's Mr. Curious, ALWAYS asking questions & trying to figure things out
2. He LOVES building things and seeing how things work (a future Engineer perhaps?)
3. He is such a sweetheart to his sisters
4. His love of reading
5. His answer to "how are you today Ben?" is ALWAYS "I'm doing great"! Such a positive little person!! :)
6. His drawing abilities~ he is a "professional" already!! ;)

Here are some pics from his 6 year birthday celebrations:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the picture of you and Ben!! May I have a copy??
Love, Mom/GaGa